Nkisi Nkondi (Power Figure)
The Nkisi Nkondi, known as the Power Figure, holds spiritual and cultural significance in the Congo

The Arnolfini Portrait, Jan Van Eyck
Is it a wedding portrait, a commemorative portrait of a lost lover, or a simple family portrait? There’s a chance it’s none of those, but we’ll never know.

Hunters in the Snow, Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Explore the melancholy, yet playful world of Pieter Bruegel the Elder where unsuccessful hunters meet children playing with sleds in a dynamic setting

Last Judgement of Hunefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead)
The Book of the Dead offered Ancient Egyptians a guide to follow as they transitioned into the afterlife

Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds), Ai Wei Wei
100,000,000 handcrafted porcelain seeds are much more than a fun interactive art exhibit

Alhambra, Nasrid Dynasty
The crown jewel from the Islamic rule in Spain, explore the intricacies of Alhambra’s many palaces, gardens, and walkways

The Two Fridas, Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo’s unique style takes a turn as she redefines what a self-portrait has to be

Tamti Waka Nene, Gottfried Lindauer
From a Maori chief to an institutionally trained Czech artist, read about the history behind the painting some of the intricacies of Maori culture

The Swing, Jean-Honoré Fragonard
Whether you are an adult or a child, playing in the garden is fun no matter how old you are.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
The shining star of Jerusalem’s skyline, Dome of the Rock displays the complex religious history behind the building and the city it inhabits

Jowo Rinpoche, Jokhang Temple, Tibet
Is it the first ever depiction of the Buddha? Did the Buddha model during the production of this incredible sculpture?

Mural, Jackson Pollack
From working as a janitor to being commissioned to create a work by Peggy Guggenheim, Jackson Pollack displays the best of American art

Aids won’t wait, the enemy is here not in Kuwait, Sue Coe
Sue Coe explores the ethical dilemma that plagued the United States during the 90s: the AIDS epidemic or Kuwait?

Elephant Mask, Bamileke Peoples
Elaborate patterns, precious beads, intricate dances, transitions between animals and humans, and not so modest displays of wealth all characterize the Elephant Mask